Glass Reinforced Concrete (GRC)

Glass Reinforced Concrete (GRC)

GRC as a cladding material has aesthetic properties, durability, impact resistance, ease of installation, versatility and overall weight savings on the structure.

The use of GRC as a cladding and facade material is rapidly increasing as it provides architects with high quality, aesthetically pleasing appearance and contractors with a cost effective solution.

GRC has a number of advantages over natural and alternative cladding materials. The main advantage being weight as this offers substantial savings on the structure, installation time, on-site mechanical handling equipment etc.

GRC panels are custom made to suit project requirements. Another of it's major advantages is its ability to form different shapes and patterns when detailing bespoke panels or architectural features since each individual element is produced from a mould.

GRC, being cement based has excellent durability, high compressive and impact strength, non-corrosive and has high fire resistance.